Who are we?
For over 27 years, Domel has been one of the leading manufacturers of reliable window joinery. Our range of products available to customers in Poland and abroad includes windows, PVC doors, roller shutters, shop windows and aluminium items. In our modern plant, located within Poland’s Green Lungs region, windows are manufactured in a linear production process supported by the latest generation of machinery. Modern and efficient production systems cater for both private orders for single-family houses as well as large commercial orders. Innovative solutions introduced by Domel are geared towards designing and manufacturing energy-efficient products of the highest quality confirmed by tests and appropriate certificates. Such an organisational culture facilitates cost optimisation as well as environmentally friendly production efforts.
Through continuous development and application of its potential, Domel supplies modern products, created for spaces where people live and work. Functionality and intuitive operation are the traits enjoyed by our various types of windows. Appearance and elegance of the end products further emphasise their high quality.
The company's success also lies in accurately identifying customer needs and building long-term trust. The growing recognition of the Domel brand in European countries, especially in Germany, France and Italy, is a result of professional and comprehensive handling of even for the most difficult projects and demanding investors.

Mission and values
The company's mission is to produce windows that comply with the highest quality standards. This is pursued by applying implemented and integrated management systems based on the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 standards.
Partnership, honest communication, and adherence to ethical principles are the values that sustain and underlie Domel’s identity. This creates a commercial environment conducive to growth, both for us and our business partners.

Quality policy
It is our ambition to handle production orders and to serve customers in accordance with their expectations. To achieve that end we use modern technological solutions and adhere to applicable legal provisions in dispensing with our obligations.
We provide regular training for our employees whose skills, commitment and job satisfaction are steadily increasing. This builds a sense of responsibility for each production stage and results in improved quality.
We also pursue our quality policy by:
providing customers with factual knowledge about available products,
punctual order deliveries subject to relevant procedures,
continuous analysis of markets and customer needs, flagging directions for innovation and business development,
production based on top quality materials, manufactured from safe and durable components,
optimising costs and pursuing a rational pricing policy,
sustainable and responsible business management to ensure business continuity at a very high level,
Implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 quality management systems.

Innovative manufacturing plant
For over 27 years, the company's management has been investing in the latest technological solutions. This gave rise to a modern production plant and an innovative machine park. A vast production, warehouse and office building now occupies more than (insert floorspace) which makes Domel one of the largest production facilities and one of the largest employers in the region.
Modern production lines and CNC machines were added to our production stock. A profile cutting centre, machining stations, 6 ultralink and classic technology profile welding stations as well as assembly stations with precision milling machines, saws and machine tools support our automated production process. Our production line optimisation has resulted in optimum use of the production area, facilitating increased output while maintaining the desired quality. This makes it possible to provide short lead-times for large as well as non-standard orders. A digital order system ensures the production process runs smoothly. This reduces waste production and eliminates the risk of human error.
Successful growth of Domel’s production plant is ensured through further investments aiming to accelerate product innovation and increase the range of available products and services. Construction of another facility, which will produce aluminium window joinery, began in 2020. With these strategic solutions, Domel is looking to become a strong and sustainable market leader within the window, door and roller shutter manufacturers’ segment.

Company history
25 years on the market
For more than 27 years, the company's management has invested in the latest technological solutions. This has resulted in the creation of a state-of-the-art production facility equipped with innovative machinery. The powerful production, warehouse and office building now occupies more than 11,000 sq m, which places Domel among the largest production facilities in the region and one of the largest employers.